Page 357 - 국제학술문화제-동북공정 분과
P. 357
중국의 한국 역사 왜곡에 대한 대응방안 연구 김 솔
A Study on Countermeasures for Distortion of
Korean History by China
The Northeast Project, which has been held for five years since 2002, was the starting point
of the conflict between Korea and China in the 21st century. China borders 14 Eurasian
countries and is a multiethnic country made up of more than 50 ethnic groups. Due to the
nature of a multiethnic country, the problem of minorities is a problem directly related to the
national security, and the same is true of China. China conducted a political research project
to block the demand for independence of ethnic minorities, including the Korean-Chinese,
and to maintain the "one China," and the Northeast Project could be evaluated as a
representative example. Therefore, China’s Northeast Project has a strong political purpose,
not an academic intention. This proves that the Northeast Project is part of China’s national
interest that cannot be abandoned. Therefore, in order to respond to this, it is necessary to
practice strengthening our ancient history education through reorganization and activation
of the school curriculum. Furthermore, it was suggested that efforts such as establishing a
sharing platform for research achievements in ancient history and fostering a group of
professional researchers are needed.
key-word : the Northeast Project, historical distortion, historical awareness, historical
research platform, unified multiracial nation