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역사왜곡 (For Foreigners)
Distortions of Sadly, such history is included in world history textbooks Jared Diamond Jared Diamond, author of the book Guns, Germs & Steel,
Korean History in and also books on world history around the world. The explains that the ancestors of modern Japanese are Kore-
Textbooks most famous of which, The Times World History, has sold ans from 400 BCE. This is stated in the Korean version of
Around the World
more than 3 million copies worldwide. Yet this book is rid- the book, and he also said the same thing on JTBC's edu-
dled with historical inaccuracies. Asian history is centered cational program “A Class of Its Own”
on China and Japan, and Korean history is distorted from One of the panelists was surprised and asked, “Does
ancient times to modern times. that mean that Japanese people have Korean ancestors?”
As young people grow older, become college students, to which Jeremy Diamond replied, “Yes” Jeremy Diamond
and go out into the world as grownups, the preconceived added, “There is a lot of scientific evidence that says the
notions that they learned from these textbooks become in- Japanese have Korean ancestry. There’s also a lot of archae-
grained in them. Their brains, in fact, become hardwired ological evidence. There are tombs, jars, mirrors, etc” He
by colonial history. They become prejudiced which, in the also said, “The crops, animals, and agricultural techniques
English language mean, “to judge in advance” Prejudge, to in Japan around 400 BCE came from Korea” “Genetically,
judge, make a hasty judgment. the Japanese are closest to the Koreans. The Japanese in Ky-
ushu are nearly all Korean. Koreans migrated en masse to
Kyushu around 400 BCE, had many offspring, and pushed
northward,” he said confidently.
Yuri Mikhailovich In the early 1990s, the Russian historian Y.M. Butin said, Conclusion South Korea is said to be economically advanced. Ko-
Butin rea is known for its speed. After going through the Japa-
“Asian history cannot be understood without the ancient nese occupation and then the Korean War, Korea was left
history of Northeast Asia. As such, Dangun Joseon occu- in ruins. And now that we are a developed country, we
pies an important place in the ancient history of Asia. I are taking a look back and realize that Korean identity is
don’t understand why Korea denies such important ancient shaky, and Korean history and culture have been distorted.
history. Japan and China make up history where there is We have to correct it now. And people around the world
none, but you Koreans say there is none when there actu- should also look at Korean history correctly and learn the
ally is.... I don’t understand the Korean people” true history together.
Indeed, Japan and China are making up history that does
not exist. But it’s difficult to understand why the Korean
people believe that there is no history, that their true histo-
ry does not exist. There’s a phrase called ‘Korea Discount.’
This means the Korean people literally discount them-
selves. They still haven't gotten over the colonial mentality.
78 2023년 12월•월간 대한사랑 79